
Accessibility Statement

Our utmost goal is to make sure that everyone of any ability can access all aspects of our website.  If we have missed anything or if you find any aspects of our site difficult to navigate or access, we look forward to hearing from you so that we can address them to ensure that you have a flawless and enjoyable experience.

Overall Conformance

This website endeavors to conform to WCAG 2.2 Level AA Guidelines.

Browser and Screen Reader Compatibility

The site is more compliant to Chrome Browser with JAWS screen reader.

Insights of the Conformance Towards WCAG 2.2

The detailed WCAG 2.2 insights by WCAG Principal Wise


  • All images provided on the site have meaningful accessible names and it conveyed the purpose of each image clearly. 
  • All media content provided on the site has proper closed captions.
  • All info and relationships provided through Headings, List are well structured to convey the structure of the page content.
  • The site is fully responsive and able to access the content in the landscape and portrait mode without any content blocking.
  • All form elements provided in the site are well labeled and conveyed the purpose of the form elements with proper context. 
  • All coloured text on the site is maintained to meet the expected ratio that makes the low vision users read the content easily without any content loss.
  • The site is completely responsive and adjusted to the mobile view and the spacings between the character to character, word to word and line to line are properly adjusted without overlapping with other content.


  • Every functionality provided on the site is operable with keyboard alone, which give an equal experience to the users
  • The keyboard tab navigation is logical when interacting with the components like carousels, navigation menus on the site. 
  • When navigating the component using the tab navigation there is a clear visual differentiation to know the currently focused element.
  • All page titles are properly conveyed with meaning to the page content.
  • The Animation content is well managed by providing a play and pause button for the animation content that plays automatically.


  • The page language is properly provided based on the page content.
  • The errors are well communicated whenever they are visible on the site. Also, the error text is well descriptive to get it corrected correctly.

Feedback or Support

Download The Website Accessibility Infographic

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We look forward to reviewing your site and will be in touch soon to discuss the results with you.

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