
The Business Case for Website Accessibility

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Website accessibility ensures that people with disabilities can access the internet just as those who are fully able. That’s why legislation like the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was implemented—so that everyone can participate in all aspects of society.

Most businesses understand the ethical and moral responsibilities they have to create an inclusive environment for its customers. But is there a business case for website accessibility? Ab-sol-utely!

From a business perspective, website accessibility is a no-brainer. Having a functional, legal and usable website directly leads to increased revenue, enhanced brand image, and a better customer experience—all while protecting your business from the sharp rise in costly website accessibility lawsuits.

So what is the business case for web accessibility? Let’s break that down.

Strengthen Your Bottom Line

An accessible website directly leads to increased revenue.

25% of the population has a disability that hampers their ability to use the internet. The number of people with disabilites is

  • 61 million people in the US
  • 14 million people in the UK
  • 6 million people in Canada
  • On a global scale, that number exceeds 1 billion people

Let’s Talk Spending Power

  • 61 million disabled people in the US = $654 billion spending power
  • 14 million disabled people in the UK = $15 billion spending power
  • 6 million disabled people in Canada = $55 billion spending power
  • 1 billion disabled people worldwide = $7 trillion spending power

man with beard sitting in wheelcahir using laptop

Combine that with the fact that 72% of disabled customers are forced to abandon a website (and a potential purchase) when it’s difficult to navigate according to Usable. Not only does that equate to lost sales and reservations, but the excluded users are going to your direct competitor.

It doesn’t stop there, however. A website optimized for accessibility also boosts your SEO efforts. Google, Bing and other search engines reward sites that provide a great user experience to all online visitors.

There’s currently a large audience of consumers that want to buy your products and services but are unable to do so because your website isn’t usable to them. An accessible website maximizes your marketing and sales efforts to make them as efficient as possible. It will allow your business to capture the 25% of market share it’s currently missing out on—giving them a pathway to purchasing your products or services.

By prioritizing web accessibility, business owners can expect to see lower bounce rates, more traffic and a higher number of conversions.

Avoid Costly Website Accessibility Lawsuits & Legal Fines

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The increasing importance of digital media in our day-to-day lives means that there are more laws that assure those with disabilities have equal access. In addition to the ADA (Americans wtih Disabilites Act), new legislation has been enacted across the world, such as the European Accessibility Act, Australia’s Disability Discrimination Act and Canada’s Accessible Canada Act.

A side effect of these new laws is a dramatic increase in expensive lawsuits and legal penalties. It’s happened to several well-known enterprises, highlighted by the famous Domino’s case, but also the NBA, Netflix, Toys “R” Us, Charles Schwab, H&R Block, Target and more. These lawsuits and fines are often financially crippling, especially for small businesses.

Lawsuits against sites that are not accessible increased over 1000% between 2019 and 2021.

What websites are required to be accessible? All of them.

You can protect your organization from legal risk by working with accredited technicians to adjust your website according to the official standards Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. These guidelines were created to meet the online needs of those with disabilities and are used as an international baseline for compliance.

Enhance Your Brand Through Inclusivity

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The core of web accessibility is about improving the quality of life for real people. It provides equal opportunity for everyone to participate in society.

Awareness around inclusivity and accessibility is increasing rapidly, and not only among web developers and business owners. The modern consumer expects the brands they do business with to embody the same values, have a sense of social responsibility, and lead the charge in creating a better world. Companies like Apple and Nike are constantly praised for their thought leadership on topics like diversity, privacy and sustainability. And accessibility is next in line.

A well-integrated accessibility plan and commitment can do wonders for your brand image and resonates with all customers. In addition to reaching those with disabilities, you will also strike a chord with their massive network of family and friends who are personally sympathetic to the cause. It humanizes your brand and delivers a huge boost to the customer experience.

Those who fail to prioritize accessibility show an unwillingness (or ignorance) to adjust to their customers’ needs, which can cause lasting damage. Just take a look at Domino’s, who will forever be known as the company that argued against a blind man in court for four years—and lost.

Just as bad accessibility practices harm brands, good ones help it. Inclusivity is here to stay. And by truly serving the needs of your consumers, you’re future proofing your business and creating a brand that will stand the test of time.

Is Your Website Accessible?

Not only do we all share a responsibility in creating an inclusive world, but it’s also a sensible business investment.

The digital world we live in has pushed us to ensure the online experiences we provide are inclusive of all people. Our increasing reliance on all-things digital and an aging population mean that this is a trend that’s exponentially increasing.

Book a complimentary accessibility consultation here.

Picture of Denise Páne <br><span>CEO & Founder</span>

Denise Páne
CEO & Founder

Denise is an Accredited Accessibility Expert with a lifetime of experience with people with disabilities starting with her Special Olympian brother. She has over two decades of experience at the helm of her accessible web design agency, Access Design Studio. She is a passionate outdoors woman and bold adventurer in life and business.

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